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Kobo Books - Reading App
Kobo eBooks
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Kobo by Fnac – Livres & Ebooks
Kobo eBooks
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Kobo eBooks
With Kobo, you can read on your Androidsmartphone or tablet anywhere, anytime.Download the Kobo app and browse from over 3.5 million free andaffordable eBooks, magazines, comics and children's books.With Kobo’s reading app, you’re able to:• Pick up right where you left off. We’ll sync your bookmarks,notes, and highlights, so you can keep reading across all yourdevices.• Experience the rich, colourful environment of the world's bestmagazines.* Our exclusive Guided Reading feature lets you breezethrough articles for an uninterrupted read. You can seamlesslynavigate through the article all with a simple tap.• Customize your reading experience. Enjoy crisp, clear text in thesize and style you prefer; try Night Mode for easier nighttimereading; and lock the screen in portrait or landscape mode to readhow you like.• Enjoy first chapter previews for thousands of select books.• Make your reading a social experience with Reading Life™. You cantrack how long it takes to read a book, earn fun and surprisingawards, and much more.• Add books to your Library from email, the web, or your Dropboxaccount. You can even read books from your local publiclibrary.• Share ideas with Kobo Pulse™. Find out who in the Kobo Communityis reading what you are and discuss what you've read withthem.• Post your activities to Facebook. See what your friends arereading and share quotes, notes, and book reviews to friends.
Kobo by Orbile
Kobo eBooks
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Kids Books by Kobo 6.5.174
Kobo eBooks
A safe and simple reading app for kidsaged6–8.Kobo Kids is a new Beta app from Kobo. We’re trying somethingnew– an app built especially for kids. We’ve hand-picked aselection ofour best books for kids aged 6–8 and organized theminto easilybrowsable collections, based on characters, series, andthemes.Kids can get started right away. They can read previewsandcreate a Wishlist of all the books they want to read. Grown-upscanthen sign-in with a Kobo or Google account and make purchasesfromthe Wishlist using Kobo‘s secure checkout.Kids’ Experience:· Read only our best kids books for ages 6-8· Browse collections based on characters, series, and themes· Read kid-friendly descriptions of every book· Create a Wishlist of all the books you want to read· Enjoy a simpler reading experience· Look up words in a Kids’ DictionaryGrown-Up Experience:· Sign in with a Kobo or Google account· Create a secret PIN to access Grown-Up mode· Review your child‘s Wishlist· Check out previews, ratings, and customer reviews· Make purchases using Kobo’s secure checkout· Access your child’s reading statsAs we mentioned, this is a Beta app. So, we’re very interestedtohear what you think. Please download the app and try it out. Wetheninvite you to send us any questions, comments, or suggestionsyou oryour child have about your experience. There’s a feedbacklink inGrown-Up mode, once you sign-in. We look forward to hearingfromyou.